New Moon in Aquarius: Rainbow Serpent
(Photo: ready to play! with Nymh, Sequoia and Jane!) Fittingly for an Aquarian New Moon, I found myself immersed in a colourful tribe at Rainbow Serpent Festival (along with 10,000+ other people), living for a short time an alternative, playful reality! The School of Shamanic Womancraft was hosting a Woman’s Space each morning, along with a ‘Healing […]
Embodied Living
The sacred is not beyond us, but within us, and it is through our bodies, senses and intuition that we commune with divine Mystery. “…along with the other animals, the stones, the trees, and the clouds, we ourselves are characters within a huge story that is visibly unfolding all around us, participants within the vast […]
Birthkeepers Retreat
I’ll be supporting my teacher Jane Hardwicke Collings at the ‘Shamanic Womancraft for Birthkeepers’ Retreat on Vancouver Island, BC, Canada, from July 30-August 1, 2017. We are all birthkeepers, if we care about women having choices in birth, if we value birth as sacred, if we hold our birth experiences as soulful rites of passage, […]
Sacred Sensuality retreat

Sacred Sensuality: Pathways to Presence & Pleasure This nourishing retreat on the Mornington Peninsula offers women a safe space to connect deeply to the wisdom of their living/loving bodies and to remember and reclaim the body as Temple as Sacred as Earth. This is a weekend of singing up bliss, diving deeply into the pleasure […]
Four Seasons Journey: Gift 4
{Inspired by Women’s Health Week I wanted to share some of the gifts I’ve received from participating in the Four Seasons Journey – one of the best things I’ve ever done in terms of my health and power as a woman!} In stillness we listen to the story, whispered and woven, of the first descent. The […]
Four Seasons Journey: Gift 2
{Inspired by Women’s Health Week I wanted to share some of the gifts I’ve received from participating in the Four Seasons Journey – one of the best things I’ve ever done in terms of my health and power as a woman!} We sit in circle, lighting candles, holding hands, grounding ourselves, feeling the energy flowing around […]
Four Seasons Journey: Gift 1
{Inspired by Women’s Health Week I wanted to share some of the gifts I’ve received from participating in the Four Seasons Journey – one of the best things I’ve ever done in terms of my health and power as a woman!} From the first time I met Jane Hardwicke Collings, I knew her as Teacher. To […]
Medicine Drum workshop

It was a privilege for Sarah and I to facilitate this day with women birthing their own medicine drum! Creating sacred, transformative instruments in a context of loving sisterhood. Here’s a video of some of the lacing work – gentle, repetitive crafting like this changes our brainwaves from beta to alpha, and we are receptive to receiving […]
Victorian Womancraft
The School of Shamanic Womancraft is coming to Victoria 🌿🌙🌿 New Moon in Cancer blessings to you! An auspicious day to be part of the announcement that this watery tribe of sisters is expanding into Victoria – not so far for us to travel, those of us who have heard the call for this very […]
What Lies Beneath workshop 2
Part Two of the What Lies Beneath process! Powerful to witness people listening to their creative voice and discerning their own unique ways forward/around/toward the piece that was calling to be made. Exciting to witness beautiful art emerging out of raw materials and the gifts of the Earth! At the end, we reflected on what […]
Medicine Drum workshop
Forest Sisters
Forest Sisters – camp for women and girls – is well and truly shaping up! Sites are fully booked at this stage, although no doubt there’ll be a bit of shuffling and filling in of gaps. And lots of people have suggested activities they’d like to run, like: – story-telling for kinder-aged kids – yoga at 6am […]
Circling in Canada
A little over a week ago, I facilitated a women’s circle in Canada, in the home of my cousin and supported by a diverse range of friends and family. It felt like many things were happening at once! We were experiencing, once again, a making-known of a potential Unknown: what does it mean to gather […]
Dissonant Art
What happens when we create something we don’t like? What can our pieces teach us about the aspects of ourselves that feel “not okay, not worthy, not beautiful”? And is there room to bring these parts of us into the open? Jacqui & I explore these questions through the lens of eco-printing in the context of sacred […]
November Eco-printing
Calling anyone wanting to dive into the sensory delight that is the Seasonal Women’s Eco-printing Circle on Sunday 29th November! We’ll create eco-printed oracle cards (like these!) as a collaborative effort, collectively listening to what the natural world and our creative process wish to teach us! We will engage eco-printing as a self-reflexive art form, […]
Eco-printed Oracles
Beautiful collaboratively-created oracle cards, from yesterday’s eco-printing workshop. We slowed down enough to hear this wisdom coming through the leaves and the process, and it’s rippling out to you!
Eco-printing circle reflections
Last weekend we gathered as part of the series of Seasonal Women’s Eco-printing Circles. Drinking in the beauty of the womb-like ger/yurt, the new growth of Spring, the abundance of the altar of leaves & materials, the wisdom of the process. Keywords of feelings and experiences shared over the course of the day are woven together into […]
Circle last night…
Beauty-full women’s circle last night! Hearing the common threads as ever… speaking truth that was new even to ourselves… playing with tarot cards/images as a way of accessing our own inner knowing & meaning-making… allowing ourselves to be lovingly witnessed… tending to our souls… so rich! I came home feeling like, ahhhh, this is why […]
Eco-printing Circles
Dark Moon greetings to you all! Wanted to let you know about my latest offering alongside my friend Jacqui, artist and creatrix at Beautiful Wasteland! We are bringing together Jacqui’s art therapy skill set and my shamanic midwifery skill set, to offer four days of potent self-reflection! (more info below…) SEASONAL WOMEN’S ECO-PRINTING CIRCLES eco-printing […]
Why circle?
A circle of sisters is a safe place to bring all of ourselves. A circle of sisters is a mirror. A circle of sisters is a cheering audience. A circle of sisters is a place to receive the next puzzle piece. A circle of sisters is an invitation to come into the present moment. A […]