Receiving the In-Sights: Full Moon in Pisces

I wasn’t sure what this Full Moon in Pisces would mean for me, but as always, as I live it, the themes become clear. Here’s an attempt to use what is arising in my life to teach/share a little of what the sign of Pisces means for me (strongly tinged with the 12th house of […]
Wilderness Solo Hopes: Full Moon in Aquarius (again!)

Welcome to this Full Moon in Aquarius, where the realm of nature (the luminaries, in this case!) mirror the call to See, to Witness, to Receive In-Sight. The Full Moon is at 29° Aquarius, exact on: Sun 22 Aug, 7.01am (CDT) Sun 22 Aug, 1.01pm (BST) Sun 22 Aug, 10.01pm (AEST) A light is shining […]
New Moon in Aries: Sustainable Activism

This last week I’ve taken a different tack with my running: pacing myself according to my heart rate. (In full disclosure, I’ve hardly run at all through Winter, opting for walks instead, so I’m picking up the pieces here this Spring!) The idea is pretty simple: keep your heart rate within a particular band of […]
New Moon in Pisces: Sustaining our Vision

Sending a belated welcome to this brand new lunar cycle that arrived over the weekend! The New Moon was at 23° Pisces, exact on: Sat 13 Mar, 4.21am (CST) Sat 13 Mar, 10.21am (GMT) Sat 13 Mar, 9.21pm (AEDT) True to Pisces form, I felt wordless, and my weekend was filled with spaces of being […]
LQ Moon in Taurus: Self Care = Green!

Hi folks, welcome to this Third Quarter Moon, and this final week of the current lunar cycle! Check out my video on this! GREEN BREAKFAST Self care for me this week is upping my green game, so empowering for my body. Today, that’s looking like a zucchini and kale scramble, fresh from the garden, using eggs […]
Solstice Portal + Playlist

In some mysterious ritual, this very day my family moves from Australia to Canada, We leave in mid-Winter and arrive in mid-Summer, stepping through an invisible portal. To me it feels like a labour and birth. To look at every single thing that has filled our house for years and decide whether to keep it. […]
Living the Healed Feminine

Greetings under this New Moon, and at this fulcrum Equinox moment! Days and nights are of equal length in both hemispheres as the Sun shines down on the Equator. Metaphorically, we are invited to bring equilibrium to our lives at this time. The Spring Equinox (celebrated in the Northern Hemisphere tomorrow) is known as Ostara, […]
Insight & Clarity for 2018

I love the time-out-of-time quality of this week between Christmas and New Years – how all the regular rhythms fall away and the outside world slows down a little. My phone’s been off, the emails are piling up, and I count that as a good thing. Feels like prime time for Dreaming… Don’t know about […]
Leo 1 Lunar Cycle: Where is Home?

Each month I map my experiences as they unfold, using the Lunar Journal to help me see the patterns. Knowing my life is held in the cycle of birth, growth, full bloom, harvest, decay, death and rebirth grounds me, and also alerts me to the opportunities of each day and each season. I offer […]
Soul Gardening
This is a photo of our garden, one from eight years ago, one from yesterday. It really is becoming a lush oasis of green, and of food! The fruit trees we planted six years ago are producing more and more, and the vege patch my man tends gets bigger and bigger! It is very satisfying to […]
Ostara Garden
Happy Spring Equinox for those in the Southern hemisphere! And ‘Fall’ Equinox for those to the North! This seasonal festival, or sabbat, was also know as Ostara, named after the Great Mother Goddess of the Saxon people of Northern Europe. You might hear the connection to the word ‘Easter’ there, and, of course, in Northern Hemisphere, Spring […]
Imbolc Garden
Happy Imbolc/Candlemas for those in the Southern hemisphere! The traditional date for Imbolc is 1st February in the Northern Hemisphere, so we can translate that to 1st August here in Australia, though it’s debatable whether there’s ever been an Imbolc ‘tradition’ here in the Great South Land (though goddess knows, we have enough sheep!) Astronomically this year, this celebration […]
Yule Garden
May we fall to the ground gently, resting on the earth, exactly where we need to be, brilliant with the seeds within…
What Lies Beneath
So looking forward to facilitating this midwinter dive into experiential art with Jacqui Grace! Eco-printing is a modality that invites paying attention to the present moment and all that’s arising… however, the exhibited pieces are not limited to this modality, they could be video, photography, painting, metalwork, whatever! More information at:
Hazelnut Harvest!
Lammas Garden
2016 Dreaming
Happy New Year! I got inspired today to make a little self-reflection tool, for this reflective time of year! It’s based on applying the gardening metaphor to our own lives and being able to look back over the whole year on one page – the visual part of me loves and needs this clarity! And […]
Re-membering Christmas
Two poems, to bring us back to the heartland of Christmas, which was once known as Yule – this time of light returning to the world. I see a twinkle in your eye, so this shall be my Christmas star and I will travel to your heart: the manger where the real things are. And I […]
November Eco-printing
Calling anyone wanting to dive into the sensory delight that is the Seasonal Women’s Eco-printing Circle on Sunday 29th November! We’ll create eco-printed oracle cards (like these!) as a collaborative effort, collectively listening to what the natural world and our creative process wish to teach us! We will engage eco-printing as a self-reflexive art form, […]
Eco-printed Oracles
Beautiful collaboratively-created oracle cards, from yesterday’s eco-printing workshop. We slowed down enough to hear this wisdom coming through the leaves and the process, and it’s rippling out to you!