In some mysterious ritual, this very day my family moves from Australia to Canada,
We leave in mid-Winter and arrive in mid-Summer, stepping through an invisible portal.
To me it feels like a labour and birth.
To look at every single thing that has filled our house for years and decide whether to keep it.
To shed every single thing we felt able to.
And to keep finding more and more stuff in our house to deal with. SO. MUCH. STUFF!
To submit to this process, not knowing where we will end up or how it will change us.
We are letting go and calling in (Winter Solstice) and jumping ahead to the harvest (Summer Solstice), in a powerful form of time travel. A harvest of family and connections and new possibilities emerging.
Very much looking forward to finding our new home and meeting more Canadians doing this circle work, healing work, reflection and knowing-ourselves work!

I created the Lunar Journal to companion us throughout the year, a place to document our unfolding and bring consciousness to these pivotal seasonal (and lunar) moments, and here are the reflections prompts for this time of the year:
Winter Solstice (Yule) Questions ~
How am I creating space for myself?
How am I giving myself the gift of stillness and silence?
What messages am I receiving?
Summer Solstice (Litha) Questions ~
What is in “full-bloom” in my life right now?
What do I wish to see come to fruition in the coming months?
What messages am I receiving?
For those of you who purchased the Lunar Journal this year, how are you finding the page(s) mapping the year as a whole? They were a new addition, and I’m wondering if they’re useful to you?
I’m excited to be dreaming in to the next version of the Lunar Journal for 2019 – if you have any thoughts, ideas or testimonials, please get in touch!
Lastly, seeing as we’re leaving town… thought I’d make a playlist!
Here it is, for your musical pleasure, and in farewell to Melbourne for now…
Sending much love!
Xxx Grace