I wasn’t sure what this Full Moon in Pisces would mean for me, but as always, as I live it, the themes become clear.
Here’s an attempt to use what is arising in my life to teach/share a little of what the sign of Pisces means for me (strongly tinged with the 12th house of suffering, transcendence, ancestors and the unconscious, because that is where Pisces falls for me!):
🌕 This Full Moon in Pisces is… Healing.
I had a powerful Bodytalk session yesterday with Oregon-based healer Gayle Corlett, sending love to my Six-Year-Old Self and on the same day, I received my childhood doll, Bunnydoll, back from my daughter, as she packs up her stuff to head overseas!
🌕 This Full Moon in Pisces is… Ancestral.
I received a message from my Dad, in spirit, in the same healing session, a voice from my paternal ancestral line, my White Thread:
“Gifts can get shut down if they’re not honoured. No matter what you experience, don’t lose Sight of who you really are.”
I am being invited to step more deeply into the creative, intuitive legacy that flows down my family line, in ways that weren’t possible for those who came before me.
And I celebrate my Dad dipping back into this heartland, returning to his artistic roots, with a new venture.
(Old Kitchen by Peter Ackland, a precious place in my childhood.)
🌕 This Full Moon in Pisces is… Creative.
I took myself (my Artist Self, my Child self!) on a date to the Manitoba Fibre Festival, as I do each year, and feel deeply nourished by all the handcrafted beauty!
Wool tops from sheep I have visited just up the road, hand-dyed embroidery thread, softest silk in a rainbow of colours! I was privileged to take some of this goodness home, especially in preparation for making spirit dolls with Julia Inglis at Samhain.
A particular shout-out to Prairie’s Edge Wool Farm in Kleefeld, Big Oak Farm outside of Morden, Wild Wind Naturals in Carberry and Forage Natural Dyeworks in Morden for their beautiful offerings.
And driving home under the Full moon was particularly glorious!
(Just some of the fibre beauty…)
🌕 This Full Moon in Pisces is… Relational.
I am very conscious of my daughter leaving home soon. I know from previous travel experience that it’s impossible to cram more of life into these final days, that’s a recipe for stress. So just soaking up what’s there, what we have created together over eighteen years. Working on lightweight gifts to hold and protect her while she is far away.
Celebrating this little bird – one of my two Pisces children! – leaving the nest (and the other starting school for the first time in two years, this last week!).
In addition, as we prepare our home for sale, I am thinking of the next people who will be able to rest deeply in this home that has been a true nest for me in a time of significant uprooting.
And I have visions of our new nest and the beauty and connection it will facilitate. Feeling the bigness and blessedness, both, of these significant changes.
🌕 This Full Moon in Pisces is… Surrendering.
I have closed my books for now, in terms of taking on new clients, which will enable me to work through my backlog of tasks, birth the Cyclical Wisdom Journal (coming soon!), gestate a few particular ideas for 2023, flow with Mars retrograde (end of Oct to mid-Jan) and whatever it asks of me, and descend deeply into the gifts and stillness of Winter. Fundamentally, making space and time to Dream…
(Alpacas at the Fibre Festival, ready for shearing or already shorn!)
🌕 This Full Moon in Pisces is… In-Sight-Full.
Years ago I was named as a Seer, and over the last month, this role, this Way, has been arising so strongly.
Spirit/Life is clear: Viviane Grace is a Seer.
Most particularly, under this Full Moon, not only am I conscious of my desire to sing up these intuitive gifts of Sight – in face, tearful writing this just now, realising this was part of my Dad’s message! – but likewise becoming conscious of how I have lived this gift, for better or worse, my whole life:
– Seeing what is shoved under the carpet
– Seeing the subtext in social situations
– Seeing what is invisible but precious
– compelled to See my wounds, to bring them to consciousness, and in doing so, being nourished by their gifts
– feeling UnSeen at times, and much safer to not be Seen
– Seeing the small things, noticing details
Now I have a vision, clearer after my session with Gayle, of the Seer in the Sunshine. My heart holds this healing intention, and that’s all I have to do, for now…
🌕 This Full Moon in Pisces is… Deep Change.
So much shifting and moving, inside and out, for my whole family.
Integrating my Wilderness Solo experience – all the blessings, all the stories, all the incredible healing and integration…
Letting go of my children, my home, old anger and outrage, ancestral beliefs, protective habits. Grief and joy, woven together.
Allowing this Pisces water to sweep through me once again, and remembering our pilgrimage (only now as I write!) from earlier in the year – elements of which have dropped back into my subconscious.
What else is there to do right now but trust the process…?
(Offerings of love hung in the pear tree beside our portal at Wilderness Solo…)
Sending love and Full Moon blessings!
xxx Grace
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