Sending a belated welcome to this brand new lunar cycle that arrived over the weekend!
The New Moon was at 23° Pisces, exact on:
Sat 13 Mar, 4.21am (CST)
Sat 13 Mar, 10.21am (GMT)
Sat 13 Mar, 9.21pm (AEDT)
True to Pisces form, I felt wordless, and my weekend was filled with spaces of being with.
Being with myself in solitude on my Dark Moon retreat, being with the visionaries in the Cyclical Wonder Club, being with my community navigating their way mid-COVID regulation shifts, amidst varying opinions and needs.
Embracing and embodying my ability to appreciate and hold space for emotional complexity (hello Pisces!), and my desire to find ways to connect with others amidst the complexity, rather than shoving it into the ‘too hard’ basket.
But today the words are coming and I wanted to get in touch!
Read on for some cheer-leading for your VISION-KEEPER SELF or scroll down for THREE THINGS (cryptic enough for ya??)…
Even though the Moon has moved on into Aries now, we still have the Sun, Venus and Neptune in watery, adaptable, transpersonal Pisces, with Mercury moving in later on today.
So, we have a week of staying present to the Piscean themes of:
our vision and our disillusionment, both…
our deep presence and our desire to numb ourselves, both…
our connection to others and our struggle with boundaries, both…
our compassion and our judgment, both…
and more!
The Sun shifts into Aries next weekend, bringing that pivotal moment of the Equinox.
So, this is a week to take stock, reflect on the first three months of the year and set your course for the following three.
We’re in the cocoon, the womb. We’re holding our questions, and while we might feel pregnant with the answers, they’re not here yet… they’re still unfolding.
Today I want to send love out to all you visionaries… by which I mean YOU!
YOU with your vision of how your life, your community, or the world, could be…
YOU who’s staying present, however painfully, to the gap between vision and reality…
YOU who’s learning to prioritise your recovery spaces, in order to sustain your efforts over the long-term…
YOU with your deeply-held values and your commitment to live them out…
Thankyou for not giving up on what is good and true, and what you know is possible, even when the world struggles to meet you, refuses to financially support your work, ties your ideas up red tape, drags you down with bureaucracy and ridicules your way of caring.
None of this means your vision isn’t shiningly good!
It is, and the world sorely needs it.
Under this Pisces New Moon, this moon of dreams and lost causes, please know that your vision is good, oh-so-necessary, and is in motion through the power of your love and presence.
Using a seasonal lens, this is ‘Week 13,’ the final one in the three months we’ve just lived, from Solstice to Equinox.
13 is a marvelous magical number, reminding me of witches, midwives, mystics and misfits throughout time.
I’ve been travelling with a ‘solar intention’ that I set at the (Winter, for me) Solstice, and this week was earmarked in my diary for setting normal work aside, celebrating what I’ve achieved, eyeballing what I didn’t achieve and why, and deciding where to set the power of my intention next.
The combo of all this Pisces energy, with intimations of fiery Aries to come, and ‘Week 13,’ feels very fertile to me. Deeply gestational, significant root growth, much in the works, much potency. But nothing visible ‘above the surface’ yet.
Here in Manitoba, the snow is quickly melting. Underneath lies brown grass, a colour I equate with the dryness that comes at the end of an Australian summer. It’s still curious to me that this is the colour of early Spring here.
So, in this week of taking stock, I look a bit like brown grass, perhaps, not ‘achieving’ much, emerging from a COVID winter that has rearranged priorities. But I can feel an inner (green!) Spring just around the corner, sap flowing richly in my veins!
How are you experiencing your inner Spring or Autumn? How does it feel to meet this turning point Equinox moment with consciousness?
Most importantly, where do you want to invest your energy over the next three months?
Sending love at this significant moment of seasonal change!
As a person privileged in many ways, my work is to keep this reality conscious, and to find ways to unpack and dismantle the systemic ‘isms’ (eg. racism) that colour my worldview and keep me blind to injustice. I don’t have answers, but I trust in the power of our conversation and shared insights to keep us moving along the path to wholeness and connection, step by tiny step ~ please join me (for free)!
Now in his 90s, after a lifetime of reporting the marvels and mysteries of Mother Earth, David Attenborough has created a ‘witness statement’ in the form of his latest documentary, A Life on Our Planet. In the face of huge odds, he calls us to his vision, sharing his grief and inviting us into positive action. This is one to watch multiple times…
I’ve been reading The Power of Full Engagement: Managing Energy, Not Time, Is the Key to High Performance and Personal Renewal by Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz, and even though it has the most boring, business-y cover EVER (amirite?!), I am finding it such a potent naming of how to understand the various dimensions of our energy (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual) and what it looks like to curate it.It takes so much energy to sustain our vision and embody our values in an at-times hostile world, that understanding the ‘mechanics’ of how to renew ourselves is essential! Highly recommended!
→ For two summaries of the book on YouTube, to tap into some of these ideas today, see HERE and HERE!
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Alright, friend, sending New Moon love to your visionary Self, thankyou for staying the course, and go gently! xxx Grace