Imbolc Candles

Imbolc is the third of eight seasonal celebrations marked throughout the year by ancient Europeans, and means ewe’s milk,’ pointing to the pregnant/quickening nature of this season. This festival also became known as Candlemas, a time during which households melted the ends of their candles to make it through the end of Winter into the […]

Imbolc Eco-printing

My second Imbolc eco-printing workshop – not holding space this time, but rather, immersing in the rich art-therapy offering of Jacqui Grace! It was a delight to journey through the evening into the next day, and watch how my keyword play changed over time – a mirror of how I was changing in the space, […]

Eco-printing circle reflections

Last weekend we gathered as part of the series of Seasonal Women’s Eco-printing Circles. Drinking in the beauty of the womb-like ger/yurt, the new growth of Spring, the abundance of the altar of leaves & materials, the wisdom of the process. Keywords of feelings and experiences shared over the course of the day are woven together into […]

Eco-printing Circles

Dark Moon greetings to you all!  Wanted to let you know about my latest offering alongside my friend Jacqui, artist and creatrix at Beautiful Wasteland!  We are bringing together Jacqui’s art therapy skill set and my shamanic midwifery skill set, to offer four days of potent self-reflection!  (more info below…) SEASONAL WOMEN’S ECO-PRINTING CIRCLES eco-printing […]

Winter Dreaming Women’s Circle

you’re invited to a winter dreaming women’s circle 6 sessions, 2nd & 4th Wednesday evenings in June/July /August 10th & 24th June 8th & 22nd July 12th & 26th August at aHa Studio, 311 Victoria St, Brunswick (just off Sydney Rd) 7.15-9.30pm we’ll use a talking bowl to speak and listen to each other, nourished […]


Today, we mark the sabbat Lammas, or Lughnassadh, the first of three harvest festivals.  Here we bear witness to the first fruits of our efforts, both physical and metaphorical, from whatever we were planting back in July-August-September last year.  It’s worth reflecting on what’s been successful, what you’re pleased with, and/or what you might change […]

Ostara :: Spring Equinox

  My plan this year is to mark the ancient Celtic sabbats, because I love how they are grounded in the natural patterns and cycles of nature, and how they call me to notice, in ritual and action, these changes around me.  I cannot help but be a tiny bit more grounded, I believe. We […]