Circling in Canada
A little over a week ago, I facilitated a women’s circle in Canada, in the home of my cousin and supported by a diverse range of friends and family. It felt like many things were happening at once! We were experiencing, once again, a making-known of a potential Unknown: what does it mean to gather […]
November Eco-printing
Calling anyone wanting to dive into the sensory delight that is the Seasonal Women’s Eco-printing Circle on Sunday 29th November! We’ll create eco-printed oracle cards (like these!) as a collaborative effort, collectively listening to what the natural world and our creative process wish to teach us! We will engage eco-printing as a self-reflexive art form, […]
Eco-printed Oracles
Beautiful collaboratively-created oracle cards, from yesterday’s eco-printing workshop. We slowed down enough to hear this wisdom coming through the leaves and the process, and it’s rippling out to you!
August Eco-printing
Calling anyone wanting to dive into the sensory delight that is the Seasonal Women’s Eco-printing Circle on Sunday 23rd August! Nourish your creative, intuitive soul! Build up a seasonal collection of art! Choose process over outcome! Collaborate with Mystery! Trust your body! Themes/tone for this gathering: full Spring/Ostara First-Quarter Moon the young Maiden (pre-menarche) emerging out of […]
Midwife of the Soul turns one!
This time a year ago, after a long gestation period, I named this work Midwife of the Soul and oriented to what was calling to be birthed! From this tiny seedling, the nature of what I’m doing has continued to emerge and reveal itself, and I am so grateful to every person who took the […]
Eco-printing circle reflections
Last weekend we gathered as part of the series of Seasonal Women’s Eco-printing Circles. Drinking in the beauty of the womb-like ger/yurt, the new growth of Spring, the abundance of the altar of leaves & materials, the wisdom of the process. Keywords of feelings and experiences shared over the course of the day are woven together into […]
Circle last night…
Beauty-full women’s circle last night! Hearing the common threads as ever… speaking truth that was new even to ourselves… playing with tarot cards/images as a way of accessing our own inner knowing & meaning-making… allowing ourselves to be lovingly witnessed… tending to our souls… so rich! I came home feeling like, ahhhh, this is why […]
Eco-printing Circles
Dark Moon greetings to you all! Wanted to let you know about my latest offering alongside my friend Jacqui, artist and creatrix at Beautiful Wasteland! We are bringing together Jacqui’s art therapy skill set and my shamanic midwifery skill set, to offer four days of potent self-reflection! (more info below…) SEASONAL WOMEN’S ECO-PRINTING CIRCLES eco-printing […]
Winter Dreaming Women’s Circle
you’re invited to a winter dreaming women’s circle 6 sessions, 2nd & 4th Wednesday evenings in June/July /August 10th & 24th June 8th & 22nd July 12th & 26th August at aHa Studio, 311 Victoria St, Brunswick (just off Sydney Rd) 7.15-9.30pm we’ll use a talking bowl to speak and listen to each other, nourished […]
Earth Medicine
I’m giving thanks today for my man and the Earth Medicine he brings to our family. Last night, inspired by the Native American sweat lodge tradition, but in a local, contemporary dreaming of this practice, the five of us sweated our prayers under the eclipse full moon. Beautiful to build the fire together, to heat […]
Seven Sisters Festival!
Seven Sisters is a beautiful three-day women’s festival held in Victoria in autumn each year – well worth getting along to, if you can! Such a diverse range of offerings, and general lushness! I will be doing free astrology readings in the Divination Haven on Friday arvo and Saturday evening – sign up for one, […]
Maiden’s School of Magic!
Love, love, loving this offering! A Summer School for Maidens, learning the arts of cooking, fire-making, crochet/knitting, candle-making, sewing, menstrual health and the wisdom of the cycles! Making magic through the power of intention! Jealous! Wish this was happening when I was 13…