I’m giving thanks today for my man and the Earth Medicine he brings to our family. Last night, inspired by the Native American sweat lodge tradition, but in a local, contemporary dreaming of this practice, the five of us sweated our prayers under the eclipse full moon.
Beautiful to build the fire together, to heat the stones. Delightful to meet the rock people once again, and see their faces and shapes. Powerful to hear my children calling to Spirit, and claiming spirit names for themselves. Deeply nourishing to speak my prayers in front of these beloved witnesses.
For this, I give great thanks…
Later, Gord and I drummed for each other in turn, so we could journey and receive whatever insights we needed. I travelled to the Upper Realm, visiting my teachers and guides, envisioning an upcoming space with a client, and meeting an indigenous woman for the first time, on walkabout. She spoke of the need to be in solidarity with the aboriginal people, especially in response to the forced closures of their communities.
Towards the end of my journey, I felt myself lying on the ground, held physically as I am energetically. Started humming with the drum, visioning/shifting energy with my voice. I felt totally at peace with my place on the earth, and with my future.
A familiar reminder: I am so held. For this, I give great thanks.
And it was a delight to journey to the sound of my own drum, to receive my drum’s medicine…
What a potent eclipse period! Hope you found you could flow with the opportunities that presented themselves in your life…