Yesterday morning I awoke from a dream in which I’m at the airport, and I’ve forgotten to pack my passport – sound familiar?!
I’ve had this dream a number of times, like you perhaps, and there’s always that sinking feeling, the stress, the rush, the shock of plans suddenly changing, the disappointment.
But this time in my dream, I found my passport!
It was in one final place of looking, and sure enough I hadn’t packed it, but it was there as a result of previous travel. Wow, what a blessing!
I was directed towards the gate lounge by airport officials, paused to put some makeup on (obviously I need my ‘game face’ for this next bit, haha!), and then the dream ended.
The last two weeks, I have been profoundly transformed by Dr David R. Hawkins book, Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender.
Hawkins pioneered the Map of Consciousness, and you may know his other work, such as Power vs Force: The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior.
The letting go he proposes is “not a cure for anything: it is a self-investigative technique that rapidly opens up awareness of inner feelings, thoughts and beliefs.”
My soul has recognised, in his generous words, illumination and answers to questions I have been living my whole life, right from the moment of my birth.
A way to dissolve my Chironic separation-addiction.
A way to embody neutrality in the face of War Powers.
A way to live from the State of Grace in every moment.
I feel profoundly grateful, opened, and fledgling in this lifework of surrender, of noticing and letting go, and in this context, my passport dream means so very much.
After years of longing and fumbling, finally, finally, I will fly…
In gratitude, I am gifting three copies of this incredible book.
If you would like one, please email me with your address.
Before you hit send, if you want to, please allow an uncomfortable feeling to arise, even just briefly, to be seen/felt by your Self, and consciously let it go.
I will draw three names in collaboration with Spirit, and post them out in December. 💛.
let's keep exploring together...
Also, sign up before Dec 12, 2023 and go in the running to win one of three copies of David R. Hawkins powerful book, Letting Go: The Pathway to Surrender.
Today we shift from a Libran New Moon cycle to a Scorpio New Moon cycle.
The Sun has been in Scorpio since the 23rd October, so we’ve been journeying the air-water overlap for a while.
I realised at the end of this cycle, digesting the hugeness of the month, that I’ve been deeply immersed, for months, in renegotiating a whole bunch of contracts, bringing them into alignment with my evolving Self and my spiritual purpose.
Does this resonate at all?
My marriage, my work, my relationship to the State, my understanding of my union with Spirit, my connection with my ancestors and what I carry on their behalf… all in a deep process of change and renewal.
Like I said, they’ve been changing for a while, but the clarity, the insight, the language and documentation, even, has flowing in this month. A cardinal shift.
I see the airy Libran archetype at play here. Across the board, the contracts are becoming more expansive and more loving. I need more room to embody my calling to spiritual freedom, true love.
And one of Hawkins’ phrases sticks in my head as a tiny, playful Libran invitation: “Give up being an injustice collector.”
I’ve been one for so long and, have to say, I’m excellent at it!
But I’m letting that go.
(A new guiding vision of the right ‘order’ of things…)
Seamlessly, now, we shift into a new watery cycle, Sun and Moon meeting at 10° Scorpio, exact on:
Mon 13 Nov, 3.27am (CST)
Mon 13 Nov, 9.27am (GMT)
Mon 13 Nov, 8.27pm (AEDT)
This yin water sign represents the principle of Death & Rebirth and our need to feel transformed: to face our fears and know our own power.
Scorpio is the Scorpion, whose ability to cause death clarifies our values in an instant and brings us deeply into the present moment.
Scorpio is the Ancestor, the one who came before us whose truths lie buried in the ground and whispered on the wind, the you who walks this present moment with Death as companion and guide.
Scorpio is the Alchemist, plumbing the profane and the profound, transforming soulful ‘lead’ into ‘gold,’ finding Life in the hidden taboos and holy mysteries of the Underworld.
Scorpio invites us to seek out meaningful connection and embrace the intensity of the present moment.
Here’s a longer quote from Hawkins’ chapter on Fear, in the hopes that it expands the possibilities of your alchemical New Moon prayers!
“One of the blocks to emotional development is the fear of what lies buried in our unconscious… The average human, (Jung) said, would much rather project his shadow onto the world and condemn it and see it as evil, thinking that his problem is to battle with evil in the world. In actuality, the problem is merely to acknowledge the presence of such thoughts and impulses in ourselves. By acknowledging them, they become quiet. Once they are quiet, they no longer unconsciously run us.
“In looking at our fears of the unknown, which are really fears of what is in the depths of the unconscious, it is useful to have a sense of humour. Once looked at and acknowledged, the shadow no longer has any power. In fact, it is only our fear of these thoughts and impulses that give them any power. Once we become acquainted with our shadow, we no longer have to project our fears upon the world, and they begin to evaporate rapidly.
“What makes the endless television programs, which are concerned with mayhem and its various forms, so attractive? It is because what is being acted out on the screen, where it is safe, are all the forbidden unconscious fantasies in our own psyche. Once we are willing to look at the same movies on the TV screen of our own minds and see whence they really originate, the attraction of such ‘entertainment’ disappears. People who have acknowledged the content of their own shadow have no interest in crime, violence, and fearful disasters.
“One of the blocks to becoming acquainted with the fears in one’s own mind is the fear of the opinions of others. The wanting of their approval goes on inside our minds in a constant fantasy. We identify with the opinions of others, including authority figures, and coalesce this in such a way that we hear it as our own opinion of ourselves.
“In looking at fears, then, it is well to remember that Carl Jung saw this reservoir of the forbidden inside the shadow as a part of the collective unconscious. The term collective unconscious means that everybody has these thoughts and fantasies. There is nothing unique about any of us when it comes to the way we symbolise our emotions. Everybody secretly harbours the fear that they are dumb, ugly, unlovable, and a failure…
“It takes a lot of energy to keep the shadow buried and to suppress our multitude of fears. The result is energy depletion. On the emotional level, it is expressed as an inhibition of the capacity to love…
“Although we know that it is totally damaging to our relationships, health, and happiness, we still hang onto fear. Why is that?
“We have the unconscious fantasy that fear is keeping us alive; this is because fear is associated with our whole set of survival mechanisms. We have the idea that, if we were to let go of fear, our main defense mechanism, we would become vulnerable is some way. In reality, the truth is just the opposite. Fear is what blinds us to the real dangers of life. In fact, fear itself is the greatest danger that the human body faces. It is fear and guilt that bring about disease and failure in every area of our lives.
“We could take the same protective action out of love rather than out of fear.”
(p. 96-99)
So then, hearing these with a tone of deepest compassion and solidarity, as well as a gentle humour:
What fears are arising to be felt?
How are these fears illusory, blinding you to other truths?
How are these fears a pathway to your true essence of love, truth, healing and lightness?
Who were your ancestors and what emotional patterns, and what medicine, did they pass on to you?
What strikes you, perhaps, as funny about all this??
I leave you with two heart songs. Thankyou Xavier, thankyou Nahko, for this soul retrieval, these prayers…
💛 Grace