Letting Go, Flying Free: New Moon in Scorpio

Yesterday morning I awoke from a dream in which I’m at the airport, and I’ve forgotten to pack my passport – sound familiar?!
I’ve had this dream a number of times, like you perhaps, and there’s always that sinking feeling, the stress, the rush, the shock of plans suddenly changing, the disappointment. But this time…
A Spiritual Coming-Out Story: Full Moon in Libra

One of the dolls I just made taught me a huge lesson about this, and I wanted to share it with you, under this Full Moon…
Wilderness Solo Hopes: Full Moon in Aquarius (again!)

Welcome to this Full Moon in Aquarius, where the realm of nature (the luminaries, in this case!) mirror the call to See, to Witness, to Receive In-Sight. The Full Moon is at 29° Aquarius, exact on: Sun 22 Aug, 7.01am (CDT) Sun 22 Aug, 1.01pm (BST) Sun 22 Aug, 10.01pm (AEST) A light is shining […]
Full Moon in Capricorn: Commitment to Self

Welcome to this upcoming Full Moon moment, at 3° Capricorn, exact on: Thu 24 Jun, 1.39pm (CDT) Thu 24 Jun, 7.39pm (BST) Fri 25 Jun, 4.39am (AEST) And Happy Solstice as well! Had a beautiful time camping with friends over the weekend, we made these ‘prayer flags’ to mark this seasonal moment (Summer Solstice for […]
Full Moon in Sagittarius: Shedding Old Beliefs

Welcome to this Full Moon moment, with a lunar eclipse thrown in for good measure, at 5° Sagittarius, exact on: Wed 26 May, 6.13am (CDT) Wed 26 May, 12.13pm (BST) Wed 26 May, 9.13pm (AEST) If you like, join me in these ‘prayers’: We give great thanks for this literal and symbolic opportunity to see […]
Full Moon in Aries 2020

It was a New Moon in Virgo two weeks ago, inviting us to priestess our lives, to tend to our bodies, to course-correct towards wholeness, even and especially in TINY ways. The law of compound interest applies as much to our health and joy as to finances… And now we dance with this Full Moon […]
New Moon in Leo: Fresh Start

Welcome to this New Moon in Leo, as we emerge from two cycles of watery Cancer! Phew! The New Moon is exact at:Tue 18 Aug, 9.42pm (CDT)Wed 19 Aug, 3.42am (BST)Wed 19 Aug, 12.42pm (AEST) I invite you to grab a moment over the next few days and set some intentions. What do you want to […]
Hike Magic

Beautiful hike on the weekend, at #huntlaketrail. The world is a beautiful place! This summer, I’ve been committed to soaking some of it up… Listening to the rocks, marvelling at the moss and roots, cooling my feet in the water at the midway point after my kids set a rocking pace (we completed this ‘6hr […]
Lilith: Wild Feminine Growth Mindset

In this post: → Carol Dweck: Growth Mindset → Lilith: Archetype of the Wild Feminine → Holly Whitaker: Quit Like A Woman → Holly as Lilith → and a playlist! Carol Dweck: Growth Mindset I just finished reading Mindset: Changing the way you think to fulfil your potential by Carol Dweck. Virgo has a […]
Leadership: Taking Full Responsibility

I just started reading a book on leadership called Extreme Ownership: How U.S. Navy Seals Lead and Win by Jocko Willink and Leif Babin. I don’t usually read anything war-related, so I am being confronted by frequent descriptions of Gulf War combat – I feel a whole mixture of responses. But I am so interested in […]
New Moon in Scorpio: Tending to the Depths

Welcome to the New Moon in Scorpio, which was exact on: Sunday 27th October, 10.39pm (CDT) Monday 28th October, 3.39am (GMT) Monday 28th October, 2.39pm (AEDT) The Water sign of Scorpio represents our need for deep involvements and intense transformations (this is a definition from traditional astrologer Demetra George). Scorpio is the Healer, the Sorcerer, the Detective, ever seeking that which lies beneath. […]
Full Moon in Aries: Menstrual Lament

Welcome to the Full Moon in Aries, which was exact on: Sunday 13th October, 4.07pm (CDT) Sunday 13th October, 10.07pm (BST) Monday 14th October, 8.07am (AEDT) Aries is the fiery forerunner, pioneering new terrain, taking action based on gut instinct and a strong urge for Life! Aries is also the warrior, who approaches said Life […]
The School of the Widely Open Heart

I want to share a vision I have been holding for the last year, for the School of the Widely Open Heart! The recent New Moon in Virgo did my head in. I felt stripped back, abraided at a soul level. Unmoored from aspects of meaning and identity. Beliefs I’d built myself on. The energy […]
Full Moon in Pisces: Living the Dream

The Full Moon in Pisces is exact on: Friday 13th September, 11.32pm (CDT) Saturday 14th September, 5.32am (BST) Saturday 14th September, 2.32pm (AEST) Almost two weeks ago, we started a brand new lunar cycle, under earthy Virgo energy, with its strong call to ‘priestess our lives,’ to tweak our systems and process, our inner workings, […]
Full Moon in Capricorn: Purposeful Structures

Welcome to the Full Moon in Capricorn, which is exact on: Tuesday 16th July, 4.38pm (CDT) Tuesday 16th July, 10.38pm (BST) Wednesday 17th July, 7.38am (AEST) I wrote about all this last time – remember this Full Moon is in Capricorn, so our goals, ambitions, disciplines and the practical shape of our life is under […]
Full Moon in Scorpio: Live your full wattage!

What if you’re a 240v POWERHOUSE who’s only been given a 120v story? What story? You know, the one about how only the YANG half of the creative cycle is valuable – the growing, productive, expanding, summery, positive, ‘up’ part of the process. The story where the YIN half of the cycle gets a really […]
Full Moon in Libra: Remembering Our Artisan Selves

The thread that’s been arriving for me this Full Moon – a thread that speaks to Libra’s love of balance – is this: “We’ve only been told half the story.” Not a new idea, but a circling back to it. And always, grief and outrage that in Western culture, what’s been promoted and valued is […]
Full Moon in Virgo: Priestess Sings Herself Up With Prayer

As I mentioned last time, on New Year’s Day I fell into a deep despair around my ability to change, and an antidote emerged in the form of prayer. If I couldn’t envision myself changing, then I was destined to keep finding myself in some very familiar and very painful places. And the idea that […]
New Moon in Aquarius: Shadow Bootcamp

How was your January with those two intense eclipses?! Just saying, I wasn’t ready for them at all! My life went to utter pieces, multiple times, throughout the first month of 2019, and I’m still recovering! Like finding myself at Shadow Bootcamp without having ever signed up (well, consciously, at least)! I’m making peace with feeling periodically broken […]
My Daughter’s Menarche

My daughter journeyed the rite-of-passage of her menarche, one year ago, with grace and aplomb! I was and am inspired and heartened by how she has been able to talk about it as and how she wants to. I am delighted and still surprised that the pattern or imprint around this whole ‘being female’ […]
Libra Lunar Cycle: Invitation into Sacred Relating

I’ve been reflecting this last month on how I show up in conflict. How I seek to avoid it, how I also create it, and what that means for my relationships (Libra) and how they play out. Not cos I think this is a particularly fun bone to chew, but rather because some key relationships […]