Letting Go, Flying Free: New Moon in Scorpio

Yesterday morning I awoke from a dream in which I’m at the airport, and I’ve forgotten to pack my passport – sound familiar?!
I’ve had this dream a number of times, like you perhaps, and there’s always that sinking feeling, the stress, the rush, the shock of plans suddenly changing, the disappointment. But this time…
Becoming Self-Centred: Full Moon in Leo

Last week the provincial government here announced it will do away with vax passports as of 1 March, after bringing them in the day I returned from Wilderness Solo in early September 2021. (Getting rid of masks as well, on 15 Mar.) I can feel my brain reframing my whole experience, now that there’s an end date, […]
Full Moon in Sagittarius: Shedding Old Beliefs

Welcome to this Full Moon moment, with a lunar eclipse thrown in for good measure, at 5° Sagittarius, exact on: Wed 26 May, 6.13am (CDT) Wed 26 May, 12.13pm (BST) Wed 26 May, 9.13pm (AEST) If you like, join me in these ‘prayers’: We give great thanks for this literal and symbolic opportunity to see […]
New Moon in Aries: Sustainable Activism

This last week I’ve taken a different tack with my running: pacing myself according to my heart rate. (In full disclosure, I’ve hardly run at all through Winter, opting for walks instead, so I’m picking up the pieces here this Spring!) The idea is pretty simple: keep your heart rate within a particular band of […]
New Moon in Pisces: Sustaining our Vision

Sending a belated welcome to this brand new lunar cycle that arrived over the weekend! The New Moon was at 23° Pisces, exact on: Sat 13 Mar, 4.21am (CST) Sat 13 Mar, 10.21am (GMT) Sat 13 Mar, 9.21pm (AEDT) True to Pisces form, I felt wordless, and my weekend was filled with spaces of being […]
2020 Review: Connection & Community

2020 was certainly a year of surprises, and an opportunity to grow my ability to adjust and adapt. Amidst it all, I felt well-resourced and incredibly blessed. Gord’s comment was, “COVID has shown us the character of the rhythms and systems of our family.” Our rhythms are strong, and our systems are supportive… 2020 was […]
New Moon in Leo: Fires of Transformation

Welcome to the New Moon in Leo, which was exact on: Wednesday 31st July, 10.11pm (CDT) Thursday 1st August, 4.11am (BST) Thursday 1st August, 1.11pm (AEST) To me it felt like a burst of fresh energy, after the intensity of the two eclipses and some grinding Cancer-Capricorn transformation! In fact, it hardly even felt like […]
New Moon in Cancer: Autoimmunity and the Loss of Self-Tolerance

(Image: We are One, by MiaCharro.) I’ve been reading a book called The Hashimoto’s Healing Diet: Anti-Inflammatory Strategies for Losing Weight, Boosting Your Thyroid, and Getting Your Energy Back by Marc Ryan. As I was saying here, I keep an eye out for thyroid stuff, cos it’s in my genetic stream. I also know that […]
Full Moon in Libra: What’s your ‘subject’?

The other night, as an unconscious Spring seed, I started reading Steven Pressfield’s latest book The Artist’s Journey: The Wake of the Hero’s Journey and the Lifelong Pursuit of Meaning. You might remember Steven from The War of Art fame… where he writes about how an epic battle with Resistance is part of every creative […]
Book Review: Helen Luke, Women, Earth & Spirit
While on retreat last month, I found a book, Woman, Earth & Spirit: the Feminine in Symbol and Myth by Helen Luke, in the monastery library. I love myths and fairy tales and the perfect synchronicities contained therein. And I love an explanation of some of their more subtle meanings. So I borrowed it and have […]