Full Moon in Scorpio: In Transition

Big welcome to this Full Moon in Scorpio moment – I’m keeping it short today, because I know we are Full with the gifts and challenges life is throwing at us at the moment…

The Full Moon is at 7° Scorpio, exact on:
Mon 26 Apr, 10.31pm (CDT)
Tue 27 Apr, 4.31am (BST)
Tue 27 Apr, 1.31pm (AEST)

Lunar Prayer

The lunar prayer for this Full Moon in Scorpio is: “We are Transforming.”

We are Free, Resourceful, Curious, Loving, Playful, Devoted, Sovereign, Transforming, Inspired, Committed, Hopeful and Open.

I created this affirmation card (above) in honour of two friends who are doing it hard at the moment, facing serious and ongoing life challenges, and being absolutely incredible humans in the face of that. I’m including it here in case you’re journeying with any “impossible stretch” and understandable overwhelm at the moment…

What’s crazy is, these friends are showing up with such generosity and presence to the complexities of their lives. From the sidelines, I marvel at their stamina and love.

And yet their inner voice can rip them to shreds about “not doing enough” or not juggling all the balls perfectly, and then smashes them with shame around “not coping.” An awful double-whammy of feeling vulnerable, and then judged and silenced

Two thoughts (attempting to restrain myself!):

  1. To take a birthing metaphor, transition – that space where our cervix is wide open and we are crazy deep in the “labour” of birthing something huge – always feels f**ing impossible. “I cannot do this, I cannot go on,” are perfectly natural, even predictable, sentiments.
    If you’re feeling like this, it doesn’t AT ALL invalidate the incredible presence and effort you are putting into living and (re)birthing at the moment. In fact, it’s evidence of your amazing embodiment and capacity.
  2. It’s so hard to do transition on our own. We need support. I’m sad that so often in our society this feels missing, especially in the small day-to-day moments. I also know we’ve been conditioned not to ask for what we want and need. Perhaps we can lean into some of that fiery New Moon in Aries (activist!) energy, which infuses this whole lunar cycle, and be bold in our requests.
    And, I honour that this is part of the impossibility: running on empty, and then having to muster huge amounts of fire power to make a simple request for support. Another conundrum of this vulnerable time…
    So, if you’ve got some energy this Full Moon, if Life isn’t running you close to the wall, I encourage you to reach out and create some connection, validation or scaffolding for someone else today, even in a small way. We don’t have to wait to be asked. It’s okay to get it “wrong,” too. Our movement towards, our validation, our care (is what counts…

Journal Prompts

These are the ‘Full Moon in Scorpio’ prompts from the Cyclical Wisdom Journal:

→ What has been submerged or hidden, now rising to consciousness to be examined and tended?

→ In the context of your inevitable death, what of your current reality feels essential and meaning-full?

→ What is being illuminated, this Full Moon?


💛 💛 💛

Sending big love,
xxx Grace

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