Embodied Living

The sacred is not beyond us, but within us, and it is through our bodies, senses and intuition that we commune with divine Mystery. “…along with the other animals, the stones, the trees, and the clouds, we ourselves are characters within a huge story that is visibly unfolding all around us, participants within the vast […]

Sacred Sensuality retreat

Sacred Sensuality: Pathways to Presence & Pleasure This nourishing retreat on the Mornington Peninsula offers women a safe space to connect deeply to the wisdom of their living/loving bodies and to remember and reclaim the body as Temple as Sacred as Earth. This is a weekend of singing up bliss, diving deeply into the pleasure […]

Four Seasons Journey: Gift 3

{Inspired by Women’s Health Week I wanted to share some of the gifts I’ve received from participating in the Four Seasons Journey – one of the best things I’ve ever done in terms of my health and power as a woman!} The first thing we do in the Four Seasons Journey is make a drum, ancient […]

Four Seasons Journey: Gift 2

{Inspired by Women’s Health Week I wanted to share some of the gifts I’ve received from participating in the Four Seasons Journey – one of the best things I’ve ever done in terms of my health and power as a woman!} We sit in circle, lighting candles, holding hands, grounding ourselves, feeling the energy flowing around […]

Four Seasons Journey: Gift 1

{Inspired by Women’s Health Week I wanted to share some of the gifts I’ve received from participating in the Four Seasons Journey – one of the best things I’ve ever done in terms of my health and power as a woman!} From the first time I met Jane Hardwicke Collings, I knew her as Teacher.  To […]

Medicine Drum workshop

It was a privilege for Sarah and I to facilitate this day with women birthing their own medicine drum!  Creating sacred, transformative instruments in a context of loving sisterhood. Here’s a video of some of the lacing work – gentle, repetitive crafting like this changes our brainwaves from beta to alpha, and we are receptive to receiving […]

Honouring Menarche

Recently, on the same night, my 12 year old daughter and I both dreamed she had her first period, her menarche. That morning, out of the blue, my man was struck by this same imminent possibility while meditating. If that’s not a heads-up from the Yoniverse, I don’t know what is! So, I am on […]

The New Way: LOVE

I am increasingly witnessing a tussle in our culture between love and fear, in almost every arena of life.  Mainstream/patriarchal culture is fear- and control-based, and this Old Way is drawing us all towards ecocide – obviously not a sustainable way to live. Another possibility is to live a New Way: – trusting the process […]

Wombat Medicine

On the weekend I came across a wombat that had been hit by a car, sadly common around here.  But this was a mama wombat, and her baby was also dead.  Its tiny, pale, beautiful body was tucked under one of her front legs – perhaps the work of someone who’d found them earlier.  The […]

Eroding the feminine

                                A couple of weeks ago, at the potent eclipse Full Moon, I hand-wrote a letter giving great thanks for such a rich harvest, as I looked back over the last six months.  Emailed it out to family and friends, […]