It’s Ready! Cyclical Wisdom Mindfulness Prompts 2025

Cyclical Wisdom Mindfulness Prompts 2025

Priestess Your Life 14 Dec 2024 Cyclical Wisdom Mindfulness Prompts 2025 Dear Reader, How are you? I’m feeling well and truly slowed, in this double whammy of Mercury and Mars both currently retrograde. In the liminal space of jetlag, 3am mornings… A shocking shift from 30°C to -30°C… Entering the reflective cocoon of the Winter Solstice… And my laptop died on the final flight home from Australia! (Merc retro in Sag, my 9th house of long-distance travel, haha) A good test of my backup…

Year of the Mountain

beautiful mountain

  If you’re like most womyn I know, you’re juggling a multitude of balls, caring for numerous people, projects and pets, generating income to support yourself and your loved ones… … and maybe trying to express your creativity and practice some self-care in there as well! Whew! That’s a lot! Meanwhile, the amount of admin for your job, the […]

Libra Lunar Cycle: Invitation into Sacred Relating

I’ve been reflecting this last month on how I show up in conflict.  How I seek to avoid it, how I also create it, and what that means for my relationships (Libra) and how they play out. Not cos I think this is a particularly fun bone to chew, but rather because some key relationships […]

Leo Lunar Cycle: Welcoming Our Rejected Selves

Well, we’re coming to the end of this relatively rare triple-whammy of an eclipse period, with this New Moon.  Here’s how it all went down: 1. New Moon and Solar Eclipse at 20° Cancer on 12th/13th July 2. Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse at 4° Aquarius on 27th/28th July 3. and now this New Moon […]

Cancer Lunar Cycle: Calling in a New Home

Marvelling once again at the exactitude of the lunar cycle dancing me through the opportunities and invitations of each phase and each day.  For some reason my real life strongly ‘matched’ the Moon this month! A year ago, during the last ‘New Moon in Cancer’ lunar cycle I felt the call to move to the […]

Solstice Portal + Playlist

In some mysterious ritual, this very day my family moves from Australia to Canada, We leave in mid-Winter and arrive in mid-Summer, stepping through an invisible portal. To me it feels like a labour and birth. To look at every single thing that has filled our house for years and decide whether to keep it. […]

Chiron in Aries: Warming Our Sacred Wound

Not sure about you, but I am glad to be out of the tumbling waves of Pisces.  It’s been a big month, with a volume of old patterning coming to the surface to be dissolved and reimagined.  Not that I’ve felt visionary, but rather more kin to the imaginal mush of the caterpillar prior to its […]

Leo 2 Lunar Cycle: Spring Transformation

Musing on multiple lives on two sides of the world, the new possibilities of Spring, and negotiating white water on the River of Change, throughout this second Leo New Moon cycle for 2017! Each month I map my experiences as they unfold, using the Lunar Journal to help me see the patterns.  Knowing my life […]

Leo 1 Lunar Cycle: Where is Home?

Each month I map my experiences as they unfold, using the Lunar Journal to help me see the patterns.  Knowing my life is held in the cycle of birth, growth, full bloom, harvest, decay, death and rebirth grounds me, and also alerts me to the opportunities of each day and each season.   I offer […]

Cancer Lunar Cycle: Elk Medicine Drum

While the last lunar cycle was a wild ride, this cycle has played out in a concrete and almost ‘simple’ way, in the form of making an elk medicine drum.  Here’s how I’ve used the lunar map to frame my experience.   New Moon: what is new? I speak and move my New Moon prayers […]

Gemini Lunar Cycle: A Long Story

This is a story of this last lunar cycle, and how the Moon with her many faces danced with precision through my life, unfolding my Gemini New Moon prayer into fullness, harvest and completion (for now).  And the Lunar Journal, which helps me witness these patterns, is now 50% off! New Moon: Up early exactly […]

Underworld Journey

In the very first cycle of the lunar year – the Aries New Moon cycle back in April – my heart took a big hit.  Something happened where I felt both deeply disappointed in myself, as well as judged and painfully unsupported. This Aries cycle, with all its forward movement and fire energy, plunged me […]

Virgo New Moon

🌙  Happy New Moon in Virgo + Solar Eclipse! 🌙 New Moon: Thursday 1st September at 7.03pm (AEST) How did you go, journeying though this last lunar cycle?  Any recurring themes?  Any parallels between your experiences on opposite sides of the circle? What was/is calling for your attention?   Eclipse Season Lots going on this month […]

LSJ: Taurus New Moon Cycle

Using the Lunar Solar Journal once again to reflect on my month… Seeing these two archetypes calling for more expression in my life: Priestess & Lover. I am carrying these two energies into the following cycle (and the rest of the year, no doubt!), watching them unfold, noticing where they feel easeful and where they feel uncomfortable […]

LSJ: Pisces New Moon cycle

Wanted to share another example from my experience using the Lunar Solar Journal in the hopes that it helps you adapt this resource to whatever you need it to be!  (The Lunar Solar Journal is a monthly and seasonal invitation to reflect on your life and plant new ‘soul seeds’!) I’m not quite finished digesting the Pisces […]

Video: Cycles & Spirals intro

Been wanting to create a video about the Lunar-Solar Journal for a while!  Here’s what I’m discovering about this self-reflective tool and what it can offer! #lunarsolarjournal 2015-08 L-S Journal intro from R F on Vimeo.

Seeming dualities

At the Dark Moon, two weeks ago, I rolled my inner-realm seed up into a bundle, and left it to stand on the kitchen windowsill for two weeks.  Each day following had a greater or lesser sense of waiting until the process of the passage of time could be revealed. In retrospect, ecoprinting seems an […]

May: Journal process

~ Aries New Moon cycle ~ Given the Cycles & Spirals: a Lunar-Solar Journal is so new, I feel like it may be useful to document examples of using the journal, in the hopes that doing so may help you ground this form of reflection in your own life, but also inspire other ways of […]