Making a medicine drum is a deep and powerful process of birthing a shamanic healing tool for personal transformation. The drum is a sacred tool, an instrument of music, an intimate partner in the soul’s journey and woven through time with women’s spirituality. When you make a drum you enter into a shamanic process of personal healing.
This workshop for women only. The space will be lovingly held by graduates of the Four Seasons Journey of the School of Shamanic Womancraft:
Sarah Miller: Shamanic Craftswoman, Dancer, Story teller, Earth Keeper, Moonsong Facilitator and Early Childhood Educator.
Rebecca Grace Funk: Shamanic Craftswoman, Apprentice & Intern Teacher with the School of Shamanic Womancraft, creator of the Lunar Journal, Circle Facilitator.
The workshop will run from 9am to 5pm on Saturday 14th October, in Carnegie, Victoria.
You will be held in a safe and sacred space as you birth yourself and the drum through this creative shamanic (meaning ‘inner’) process. With intention and consciousness you can connect with the animal of the hide you are using (deer), the wood of the frame (Hoop Pine) and the way you are with your creative process. The relationship with your drum can last a lifetime.
Our day together begins with a circle, and closes with a drum journey to receive inner guidance. And while this is a group event, you are invited to take whatever space you need to birth your drum, to sink deeply into your own process. Sometimes women choose to sit together to create their drum, others choose to be in a room by themselves, or in the garden. We treat this as a birth, and have big respect for all the needs of the birthing women! The invitation is to tune in to what you need…
Cost: $380
This includes all materials and morning/afternoon tea.
Payment plans available, just get in touch!
Full payment required by 8th Septmber, so we can order materials.
This product is to pay the full amount for this workshop. If you wish to pay the deposit only, please click here!
Get in touch with any questions!
Sarah ~ 0435 140 148
Rebecca – 0478 239 400