As you probably know, there are significant shifts involving the outer planets (representing our collective cultural and transpersonal experience) over the next two years.
We’re shifting into a ‘yang’ time.
Currently, all the outer planets except for Jupiter are in yin signs, in earth and water.
By the end of Apr 2026, all the outer planets except for Jupiter will be in yang signs.
They’ll all be speaking the same fire/air ‘language’ of ‘electric inspiration, let’s take action, move forward, do now, think later, relating at the speed of light’ to be the next expression of humanity.
The archetypal human need to explore and connect (Gemini), to question and dream up new ways (Aquarius), and above all, to be FREE (Aries), will be powerfully expressed in the collective.
Ie. This is the time for Elon Musk to really get going on his Mars venture!
And if that’s not your cup of tea, be inspired by the scope of his vision, and direct that fullness of possibility into the arenas of life that you are here to champion.
It feels like a significant ‘front-footedness’ to even know this is going to happen, and to reflect now on what you need to do to be ready, whatever ‘ready’ means for you.
No need to get stressed about all this change.
Remember, you are the Magician in the Tarot, connected to heaven and earth, with all four elements (swords, wands, cups and pentacles) on the table at your disposal.
You know that there’ll be an abundance of Fire and Air, soon, in the collective around you.
How do you want to use it?
What are the gifts of Fire? What are the gifts of Air?
And what are the ‘containers’ that facilitate the best use of these elements?
We must use our Magician gift: the huge power of our INTENTION, to direct the significant energies of this time into positive and life-affirming undertakings.
My dowsing teacher, Raymon Grace, often quotes Henry Ford:
“Whether you believe you can do a thing or not, you are right.”
So we might as well believe in the best possible future.

The Cyclical Wisdom Journal prayer for this Pisces Full Moon is ‘We are Open,’ and because it’s occurring amidst this Virgo New Moon cycle, we can draw on this year’s Virgo archetype, so:
We are Open Helpers
What are you here in service to?
What wishes to flow through you?
We’ve been working with the Pisces part of our life for a while now, amirite?!
We’ve been clearing house, making room for this fiery, dynamic future that’s coming, even if we can’t fully articulate it yet.
I want to celebrate our attunement to this particular arena of our experience, we’ve been listening, and making changes, adapting… since 2022, at least!
Yesterday, I felt a sudden (Full Moon) imperative to learn the next piece about dowsing, and to use this tool in service to clearing yet more negative ancestral beliefs (Pisces on my 12th house of the unconscious).
I know this is good and essential preparation for all this upcoming Aries action (in my 1st house).
But there is more to be (hmmm, I meant to write ‘do’ there, but what came out was ‘be’ – how interesting!)
There is more to Be…
What does that mean to you?
What does that sing up in you?
You’ll know.
More to embody, more letting go, more surrender, more learning…
More simplification, more focus.
Perhaps more opening of the pathways to be more visible (if not now, then soon, getting ready for that).
Under this eclipsed Full Moon, there is more to Be…

As we peer through the veils at what’s to come, I offer these (Virgo-toned) prayers to companion us in the coming days (with gratitude to Raymon Grace for some of the wording):
🙏 I give thanks that we are balanced with the polarity and magnetism of the earth, and that our roots run deep to ancient, ever-present nourishment.
🙏 I give thanks that we are always in the right place at the right time.
🙏 I give thanks that we always say the right thing at the right time, and in the best possible way.
🙏And I give thanks that each of us has enough time to do the things we need to do, and to do them well.
So mote it be.
So mote it be.
Much love for now, and pay attention to your Dreams!
xx Grace