Welcome to this Full Moon moment, with a lunar eclipse thrown in for good measure, at 5° Sagittarius, exact on:
Wed 26 May, 6.13am (CDT)
Wed 26 May, 12.13pm (BST)
Wed 26 May, 9.13pm (AEST)
If you like, join me in these ‘prayers’:
We give great thanks for this literal and symbolic opportunity to see something we may have missed, something relegated to our individual or collective ‘shadow.’
We give great thanks for this opportunity to integrate something important to us ~ a value, a new belief, a different approach ~ by letting go of something that was getting in the way.
(Think of yourself as a mermaid 🧜♀️ or a surfer 🏄 ~ your choice! ~ bobbing in the water, keeping an eye on the burgeoning waves, seeing a potential big one coming (aka lunar eclipse!), and embracing that moment of meeting ~ your body, and the body of Mother Earth, in her water form. Oh yes, there’s an ecstasy there, amid the fear!)
So, we give great thanks for the transformative POWER of this moment, and we say YES to it, trusting the process, knowing ourselves not separate, not alone, but part of the wave, part of the energy, part of this forward motion…
Lunar Prayer
The lunar prayer for this Full Moon in Sagittarius is: “We are Inspired.”
We are Free, Resourceful, Curious, Loving, Playful, Devoted, Sovereign, Transforming, Inspired, Committed, Hopeful and Open.
The last few days, I’ve been feeling INSPIRED to manifest some changes I’ve been dreaming into months: namely to re-articulate my one-to-one offerings so that there’s maximum room to be present to your soulful queries, and to celebrate your transformation over time!
I want to bring the power of the astrological lens and the incredible timings it can offer us, while making more room to follow what arises in the present moment.
So that means making sessions a little longer, to give us the time to go deep.
It means calling these spaces something other than a ‘reading,’ cos that can elevate the astro component too much, sometimes, or set me up as some kind of expert with answers, whereas actually you’re the expert on you, and I just have questions, curiosity, love and wonder!
And it means offering multi-session journeys in which to explore an aspect of self, an evolution, a transition, over TIME! This is the part I am MOST EXCITED about!!
I’d love to work with you… 😊
I’m also feeling INSPIRED by these three perspectives ~ sharing in the hope they inspire you too!
- Coaching call with Tara Mohr (of Playing Big fame) on supporting girls and women struggling with self-doubt and tough inner critics (hmm, that’s most of us, eh!) ~ I’m halfway through, it’s great unpacking…
D - The ancient Buddhist practice of Tonglen ~ a friend told me about this JUST TODAY (thanks Char!!), but man, does it seem like medicine for today’s world! I love that, in the same way that trees transform carbon into oxygen, we can transform pain into compassion…
D Sarah Wilson’s book, this one wild and precious life ~ musing on climate change and our “spiritual PTSD” in a highly accessible, thoughtful, conversational style ~ along with the travails of living with knickers “decidedly jowly in the gusset,” cos you know, trying to buy less! 😂😂😂
Journal Prompts
These are the ‘Full Moon in Sagittarius’ prompts from the Cyclical Wisdom Journal, as well as a few extras:
→ What new teaching, philosophy or perspective is inspiring you?
→ Where are you being called to share your wisdom, or to receive someone else’s?
→ What was your New Moon in Taurus intention, from two weeks ago, and what old beliefs and attitudes are you letting go of, in order to embody it more fully?
→ Where are you allowing your fear of the unknown or your ‘I don’t know enough’-ness, to dictate your actions?
→ What is being illuminated, this Full Moon?
💛 💛 💛
Sending big love,
xxx Grace