Today my big girl turns 13, wild witchy number of the Goddess! A teenager now, on the cusp of menarche, deep-rooted, joyful, capable and strong, today we celebrate her Life!
Thirteen years ago we danced together, mother and baby in a wild, instinctive hormonal and physical interplay, each of us giving ourselves to that great Mystery, birthing each other together.
I learned to Wait. I couldn’t make anything happen.
I learned to rest in the unknown, relinquishing all my Doing.
I learned my body was Power-Full beyond my imagining, this knowing inscribed on every cell of my being forevermore.
So, so grateful to those who held us in this deep, deep dive: Jennie, my man, my Mum and Cappa… Blessed Be!
My daughter wanted to get her ears pierced, so we rolled with that today, a small-yet-significant rite of passage to mark this transition. And it wasn’t until we got home that I realised the piercing had happened at the exact moment of her birth, 3.50pm, thirteen years before! .
So, may she always associate this bodily adornment as an act of personal will, vision and joy!
Yesterday on her Birthday Eve, returning home from Seven Sisters, we stopped by the ocean with friends, clambering down a steep path to a quiet, rocky shore. I sat on the edge, feet lapped by salt water, as the others made their way into the liquid depths.
Gratitude forever in my heart for our friend Jo+Y Way-Shower as she flung her sodden underwear at the rocks and modelled the divine rewilded feminine to our daughters.
Dolphins dove in the distance, as late sun turned the sea to gold, and my daughter heard the ringing invitation of this moment. She too threw her clothes to the rocks and received the ocean’s embrace, initiating and naming herself as wild mermaid daughter.
Today I celebrate Her, flesh of my flesh and blood of my blood, Dreaming her Life into Being, with her own abundant Grace. She gives me so much Hope. I love her so…