Cosmic Waves 2024

astrology workshop: Fri 16 feb (& fri 24 may)

2024 kicks off with three ‘cosmic waves’ of archetypal energy – first water, then fire, then earth.

These are powerful invitations to:
→ release old patterns & weight
→ take courageous action
→ and root down into a new, more aligned Self

We’ll gather in February as we’re feeling the swell of the first wave, and reconvene in May (for those who want) as the third wave gentles.

This workshop will help you connect these transits with your natal chart astrology, so you can predict what arenas of life they will affect.

Get a heads-up about what’s coming, so you can flow with these waves rather than be broadsided by them, and make the most of the customised opportunities to transform! 

Includes video recording (available until the June Solstice)

Divine Your Year 2024

Get your free 15-page guide!

Pull some cards, play with numerology and tune in to the bigger picture with astrology, so you can make the most of this year!

Cyclical Wisdom Journal 2024

flow with the natural cycles of sun + moon

The CYCLICAL WISDOM JOURNAL is a weekly, monthly or whenever-it-fits self-reflection practice that can stand you firmly in your truth.

The Journal maps out the Moon cycles and seasonal ‘moments’ for 2024, and helps you attune to these natural, sustainable rhythms.

→ 120+ pages
→ learn the Moon cycle
→ dip into astrology
→ have fun with creative processes
start anytime

New Moon Reading!

Get a monthly cosmic heads-up, customised to the time of your birth!

    We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.

    Upcoming Events

    see you at Earth Daughters Festival 2023!

    I’m excited to be ‘anchoring’ a conversation on menopause at Earth Daughters Festival 2023.

    Almost as much as menarche, this ROP has rippled unspoken and uncelebrated through our recent female lineage.

    Just talking about it and sharing our stories changes so much and expands the possibilities for our Wise Woman selves-to-come!

    Fairmont Hot Springs, BC, Canada
    4-6 Aug 2023

    New Moon Reading!

    Get a monthly cosmic heads-up, customised to the time of your birth!

      We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.

      Personalised Astro Emails

      museletters from grace

      Interested in advance notice of any upcoming rites of passage, along with personalised astro emails once or twice a month

      Cycles of Transformation

      customised report

      Create a ‘map‘ of where you are according to four significant cycles that affect us everyday. 

      And, get a heads-up about the next few astrological rites of passage that are heading your way!



      1:1 Sessions

      cosmic guidance & affirmation

      Explore current challenges and opportunities through the lens of astrology, cyclical embodiment and shamanic awareness.

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