Like all natural creatures, we are deeply affected by cyclical rhythms. Orienting to these cycles can help you Know Thyself and find your flow.
The Cyclical Wisdom Mindfulness Prompts are a year-long self-reflection tool with questions and information based on the cycles of Sun, Moon and Earth.
Being conscious of these natural rhythms can help you pace yourself through the waxing and waning of each month, so you feel grounded, aligned and held by a vast cosmic order that recontextualises your current experience.
The Cyclical Wisdom Mindfulness Prompts 2025 comes as a 60+ page pdf, a customisable Google doc, and a Google Calendar so you can contemplate life wherever you are, and in a format that suits you.
It includes the exact date and time of:
Inspire your journalling (if that’s your thing), set monthly and seasonal goals, and celebrate your wins, all in alignment with the current natural energies!
If we contemplate our life a little, then when we find ourselves in a familiar pattern, we can learn from our previous experiences and try something new!
The Cyclical Wisdom Journal has morphed into the Cyclical Wisdom Mindfulness Prompts 2025 because the scope of this project is bigger than just journalling.
You don’t need to journal, or be a writer, to use this information, there are many applications.
You may find these reflection prompts and questions useful for:
But yes, these Cyclical Wisdom Mindfulness Prompts can also inspire whatever writing and journalling you do!
I love how it becomes possible to see patterns when we reflect back on our experience in a structured way.
And the mirror of the cosmos never ceases to fill me with wonder and delight!
I love how it becomes possible to see patterns when we reflect back on our experience in a structured way.
And the mirror of the cosmos never ceases to fill me with wonder and delight!
This is my ELEVENTH year of creating the
This is my ELEVENTH year of creating the
Explore questions inspired by the phase and zodiac sign of the Sun & Moon, to help you align with natural rhythms and flow with Life more easefully.
The zodiac is like a liturgical calendar, articulating twelve archetypal human needs through symbolism and story. Some of these are held more consciously than others, within us.
Exploring each one helps us deepen into our strengths and integrate our shadow.
The Cyclical Wisdom Mindfulness Prompts 2025 are available in a Google Calendar format, so you can access them anywhere, anytime.
Optional emailed event notifications keep you conscious of these cosmic shifts amidst the busyness of daily life. (No need to interact with Google Calendar itself, beyond setup.)
Witness how these natural rhythms and archetypal encounters are playing out amidst other events, and use the information to reframe your day-to-day experience.
Get creative at the end of each lunar month with simple art therapy suggestions inspired by each zodiac sign.
Allow these embodied, right-brained activities to open up new perspectives on your experience.
Emerge with a sensory, textured record of your year!
Use the New Moon ‘reset’ each month to reorient to your life purpose and take steps towards it.
Cancel negative beliefs and replace with more nourishing ones that support your values and vision.
Curate lists of weekly, monthly, seasonal and yearly ‘wins’ or gratitudes for a powerful bird’s eye view of your ‘Good Life’!
The deep intention behind this work is to help us orient to a nourishing meta-perspective amidst our everyday busyness, social programming and global complexities.
The Cyclical Wisdom Mindfulness Prompts 2025 will help you stay focused on the truly significant tasks ~ like letting go of shame, pride, old hurts and negative beliefs, and becoming more loving!
Life is full, eh. Mapping your month and even your year on one page can help connect various experiences and it can be interesting to see what unfolds on opposite sides of the wheel.
Use your lists of weekly ‘wins’ to collate a list of wins for each month and season, and even for the whole year.
Celebrate the transformation that’s blossoming in your life!
Your Cyclical Wisdom Mindfulness Prompts 2025 are delivered instantly as a 60+ page digital pdf
Your Cyclical Wisdom Mindfulness Prompts 2025 are delivered instantly as a 60+ page digital pdf
Astrology is a means by which humans have sought to describe and gain insight into our reality for thousands of years.
Not everyone rocks the language of astrology, but in general we can all relate to the archetypal needs and faces of humanity which these symbols and stories illuminate.
The movement of the Sun and Moon through the twelve zodiac signs is akin to a liturgical calendar, calling us to reflect on different facets of our human experience – some that feel native to us, and some that don’t.
That’s the gift of any kind of rhythmical reflection – we don’t just stick with the bits that feel comfortable, but take time to touch on them all and live a greater wholeness as a result…
The Cyclical Wisdom Mindfulnes Prompts step through twelve New Moons and twelve solar ingresses that cycle through the twelve zodiacal signs.
By paying attention to our lived experience throughout the year, we can nuance our understanding of what these archetypes mean for us, and what Life is asking of us.
It is not necessary to understand or value the astrological information in the Cyclical Wisdom Mindfulness Prompts to gain full benefit from their use!
The CYCLICAL WISDOM JOURNAL is a weekly, monthly or whenever-it-fits self-reflection practice that can stand you firmly in your truth.
Even jotting down a few words a month becomes an invaluable record ~ don’t set the bar too high!
The Journal is a place in which to record your life as it unfolds, the joyful, the difficult, the mundane, the ecstatic…
There is seasonal information for both hemispheres contained in the CWMP 2025.
So it’s the one document for both hemispheres, and if you want, you can delete the info that is not relevant to your hemisphere before you print it out.
The Cyclical Wisdom Mindfulness Prompts 2025 come as both a pdf and a Google doc.
Having the content in Google doc form means you can make a copy of it and customise it for your purposes.
You might choose to:
Not at all! There is some basic astrological information in the CWMP (for example, about the twelve signs of the zodiac and what they represent) but this information is optional rather than essential.
If you have a particular query, get in touch over here.
Sign up for New & Full Moon inspiration, seasonal suggestions and astrological insights!
verb: priest·ess | \ ˈprē-stəs \
to honour the interconnection between all things
to commit to the lifework of ‘Knowing Thyself’
to render life sacred through the simple act of paying attention
to lead, to facilitate connection, awareness & positive action
© Priestess Your Life, 2025 / All rights reserved