How are you, friend?
I’m feeling well and truly slowed, in this double whammy of Mercury and Mars both currently retrograde.
In the liminal space of jetlag, 3am mornings…
A shocking shift from 30°C to -30°C…
Entering the reflective cocoon of the Winter Solstice…
And my laptop died on the final flight home from Australia! (Merc retro in Sag, my 9th house of long-distance travel, haha)
A good test of my backup systems, and I’m still waiting to see what, if anything, can be retrieved…
It’s a wonderful time to practice Hawkins’ powerful medicine of letting go: being with the sensations, not resisting any of it, allowing these energies to flow through me.
Some days that’s easier than others.
Right now for me, the call is to keep things simple.
In that spirit, and that of the upcoming Full Moon in Gemini, I’m delighted to say the Cyclical Wisdom Journal 2025 is ready!
And that it has morphed into the Cyclical Wisdom Mindfulness Prompts, because the scope of this project is bigger than just journalling.
You may find these prompts and questions useful for:
→ inspiring dialogue in a circle you host or starting an interesting conversation
→ orienting to the night sky
→ living in alignment with the waxing and waning energy of each month
→ creating a habit of setting goals (if you find that helpful) and celebrating monthly and seasonal ‘wins’
→ getting organised to celebrate seasonal festivals
You don’t need to journal, or be a writer, to use this information, there are many applications.
But yes, I hope it inspires whatever writing and reflecting you do, if that’s your thing!
Fundamentally, the deep intention behind these prompts is that they help us orient to a nourishing meta-perspective amidst our everyday busyness and auto-pilot programming, and help us stay focused on the truly significant tasks ~ like letting go of old negative beliefs and becoming more loving!
See here for some → sample pages
The Cyclical Wisdom Mindfulness Prompts 2025 come as a single 60-page pdf, with seasonal info for both hemispheres
(ie. there’s not two separate versions for Northern and Southern hemispheres as there has been in other years).
Also, because of my laptop issues, I had to flip into using Google Docs, and the great thing about this is, I’m sharing the link with you so you can make a copy and modify as desired before you print it off!
(eg. deleting seasonal prompts that don’t apply to you, or adding spaces for writing, etc.)
Finally, I’m in the process of putting all the prompts into a CWMP25 Google Calendar, so we can access them on the go ~ a last minute brainwave, haha!
I’m super excited about this year’s version of the CW Journal Mindfullness Prompts!
This lighter, more adaptable format feels so aligned, and I know these questions will help us find our flow during a big, busy year, and stay focused on the real important stuff! Whoop-whoop!