Looking forward to circling with you!

"I really enjoyed the energy we co-created in the circle. Thank you for holding such a safe and tender space."
Breathwork & Mindfulness Teacher

Calling in..

→ Connection
→ Self-awareness
→ Intention
→ Compassion
→ and FLOW!

Frequently Asked Questions

Of course!  The point of committing is so we can create connection and intimacy, but it needs to fit in with your life as well!  Just let me know when you’ll be absent, if possible.

For sure!  Just purchase this subscription to confirm your place, and then if you choose to leave at any time, you will be refunded as per the refund policy (see next question!).

Your subscription is paid every four weeks, for the upcoming four weeks.  So if you chose to leave after only two of those weeks, you’ll be refunded for the circles you won’t be participating in any longer.

There are no refunds for missing a single circle, if you are still wanting to be part of the circle in general.  Your subscription will continue to affirm your place and facilitate the ongoing love and holding that is part of that!

Awesome! You can drop me a line on my Contact page, and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can!