Episode #001: New Moon in Pisces

♡  N E W  M O O N  A T  1 5 °  P I S C E S  ♡ Wednesday 6th March, 10.03am (CST) Wednesday 6th March, 4.03pm (GMT) Thursday 7th March, 3.03am (AEDT)   If you’d prefer to listen to today’s cosmic rant, you can catch it here (and I’d love to hear […]

Chiron in Aries

chiron astrology reading

The planetoid Chiron shifted into the fire sign of Aries yesterday (Feb 18). Chiron represents our ‘sacred wound’ – “the subconscious belief or pattern of assuming that we are permanently damaged, wounded, broken and unfixable in specific ways necessary to our fulfilment.”[1] Chiron stand for that sacred alchemy whereby our deepest pain is our deepest […]

Libra Lunar Cycle: Invitation into Sacred Relating

I’ve been reflecting this last month on how I show up in conflict.  How I seek to avoid it, how I also create it, and what that means for my relationships (Libra) and how they play out. Not cos I think this is a particularly fun bone to chew, but rather because some key relationships […]

Chiron in Aries: Warming Our Sacred Wound

Not sure about you, but I am glad to be out of the tumbling waves of Pisces.  It’s been a big month, with a volume of old patterning coming to the surface to be dissolved and reimagined.  Not that I’ve felt visionary, but rather more kin to the imaginal mush of the caterpillar prior to its […]

Saturn in Capricorn: the Power of Structure

  I’ve been marveling at the power of structure, and the embodiment of Saturn in Capricorn, lately.  The effectiveness of breaking massive long-term tasks down into bite-sized pieces.  Restructuring them so that they’re smaller, do-able on a daily basis. Whether it’s planning and implementing a move to Canada, updating three websites at once, saving to […]