Cancer-Capricorn Eclipses & the Saturn-Pluto Conjunction of Jan 2020

As you may already know, we are in eclipse season once again, with this recent New Moon in Cancer on 2nd/3rd July, and the Full Moon in Capricorn coming up on the 16th/17th July.

In an eclipse, the regular light of Sun or Moon is obscured, and therefore, in the mythopoetic language of the stars, what is in shadow becomes visible as our eyes adjust to the dark, so to speak.

I’ve been using a surfing analogy in the new ecourse, to speak of the lunar cycle. It’s like each lunar cycle, we head out to catch a wave, surf it in, and then do it all again! Right now we are paddling out towards the swell, and perhaps knowing we’re in eclipse season can help us prepare for a possible bigger-than-usual wave? Or a possible dump?

What is emerging from the ‘shadows’? What are you being asked to see?

What does practising self-acceptance look like, even in the middle of a ‘dump’?


Full Moon in Capricorn: 16th July

This time last year, under the Full Moon in Capricorn, my husband and I called in our new home in a very clear and direct prayer that was almost immediately answered.

The earth sign of Capricorn is all about structure (which is why it is associated with our bones, in medical astrology) and my life was restructured and also much-grounded (earthed!) with the arrival of this nourishing new home. So I am preparing for the next structural shift in ten days time, whatever it looks like!

What is being restructured in your life?

What ‘shapes’ or patterns of your life are being illuminated (particularly next week)?

It may also be potent to look back to the last New Moon in Capricorn six months ago, on the 5th/6th Jan 2019. (This was another intense eclipse window!)

In my Lunar Journal, I called that time SHADOW BOOTCAMP! So freakin painful, internally, but man, it led, and is leading to, so much external growth!

What seeds of new structure, new responsibility, new discipline, new ambition were you holding back them? How have they grown?


Pluto-Saturn Conjunction

It seems to me that this New Moon in Cancer/Full Moon in Capricorn eclipse window we are in is a prelude to January 2020 and the significant meeting of Saturn and Pluto in the sign of Capricorn.

Saturn and Pluto haven’t met in the sky like this since 1982, a time of economic recession not seen since the Great Depression, as well as an escalation in the Cold War.

These two slow-moving ‘transgenerational’ planets meeting in the earth sign of Capricorn points to societal shifts that may impact practical, ‘real-life,’ financial and political structures.

“The Saturn–Pluto cycle occurs roughly every 33 to 38 years, varying according to Pluto’s highly elliptical orbit. This meeting of forces represents, among other things, the redistribution of power in the world or, in other words, which faction will make the decisions that affect the greater collective, whether this occurs in plain sight or behind the scenes. From a spiritual perspective, this cycle reflects a rite of passage determining who is most qualified to be the custodian of resources, and thus regulates who will be in a position of influence. In its purest form, this cycle is one of the highest tests of integrity and morality for those in authority, along with a test of capacity and resilience. Beyond the management of power, this cycle is also about the skill to increase power and the value of resources.”
(Maurice Fernandez)

Together, these two motifs concern power and resources, and when we pair their keywords, these are just some of the possibilities:
masterful transformation
deep inner shifts
concentration of power
precise composting
deep regeneration
psychological depression
collapse of structures
researching the dark
deconstruction of hierarchy
endings in the meat grinder

The possibilities are endless, but the themes are big, and understandably this astro event is receiving a lot of attention.

We are already in the vortex of this planetary alignment, the effects of which may be felt from Jan 2019 to Jan 2022. So, it’s helpful to know where Capricorn is, in your chart, and what it means to you.


Capricorn by house

Look up your Ascendant, or Rising Sign, here and see where Capricorn falls for you:

Aries Ascendant
Capricorn on the 10th house of professional identity, vocation, reputation and actions in the world.

Taurus Ascendant
Capricorn on the 9th house of long-distance travel, higher education, spirituality and belief systems.

Gemini Ascendant
Capricorn on the 8th house of shared emotional, financial and sexual resources, death and benefits gained from death (inheritances), our ‘family grave’ or ancestral inheritance.

Cancer Ascendant
Capricorn on the 7th house of marriage and business partnerships, one-on-one relationships (such as with a therapist or lawyer, etc) and known enemies.

Leo Ascendant
Capricorn on the 6th house of health, injuries, employment, duty, daily routines, servants (slaves) and service.

Virgo Ascendant
Capricorn on the 5th house of children, romance and pleasurable pursuits and creative arts.

Libra Ascendant
Capricorn on the 4th house of parents, home and land.

Scorpio Ascendant
Capricorn on the 3rd house of siblings, relatives, short-distance travel, communications and local community.

Sagittarius Ascendant
Capricorn on the 2nd house of personal money, possessions and livelihood.

Capricorn Ascendant
Capricorn on the 1st house of physical appearance, identity and character.

Aquarius Ascendant
Capricorn on the 12th house of sorrows, afflictions, (secret) enemies, karma, what is hidden, mental illness, childbirth and transcendence.

Pisces Ascendant
Capricorn on the 11th house friends, associates, group affiliations and social visions for a brighter future.

Those with Aries/Cancer/Libra/Capricorn Rising (in red) may experience the deep transformation of this January conjunction in more tangible or external ways, because Capricorn (the ‘site’ of the meeting) falls in a angular house. Angular houses are powerful places on the chart and often have an outward, visible ‘effect.’

Those with Taurus/Leo/Scorpio/Aquarius Rising may experience the deep transformation of this conjunction more inwardly, as significant inner shifts, because Capricorn (the ‘site’ of the meeting) falls in a cadent house. Cadent houses point to our inner world.

Those with Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius/Pisces Rising may have to wait to see the results of these shifts, they may not be immediate. because Capricorn (the ‘site’ of the meeting) falls in a succedent house.

Once you know where Capricorn falls in your chart, google ‘Capricorn in ___ house,’ have a bit of a read and allow the general descriptions to prompt your own specific insights of what this earth sign means for you and in what areas of life you tend to embody the values of this sign…


Saturn Return, Saturn Opposition

Lastly, depending on your age, Saturn may be figuring highly in your life already, with this Saturn-Pluto conjunction amplifying a significant astrological rite-of-passage.

If you are 27-29, you are approaching, or in the middle of, your first Saturn Return, where Saturn has travelled full circle through the zodiac and returned to the place where he was when you were born.

If you are 43-44, Saturn is opposite where he was when you were born.  This ‘opposition’ aspect can be uncomfortable, and brings the Saturnine themes of structure, responsibility, ambition and discipline to the forefront.

If you are 57-59, you are approaching, or in the middle of your Second Saturn Return, where Saturn completes two round of your chart.

If this is you, then this is an incredibly potent time, and I urge you to be listening for what restructuring you can do, in order to align more strongly with your soul’s intention and desire.

It’s also a powerful time to get a reading, to use the map of astrology for unique insight into your current situation.